Update: Game is out for Mobile Phones! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.basicterra.swarm Enjoy!

Swarm is your classical Space, Shoot Em Up, Bullet Hell Game!

The Swarm has infested the whole Galaxy and there's no way to go, but to fight a one sided massacre . 

WASD - Movement

Yellow Bar is a timer that regenerates if you kill an enemy, if this runs out the game ends.

Green Bar - HP

Blue Bar - Shield





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Best html ive tried,just wish it was in tate & controller support but guess everything has its limitations. Sharper tighter movement if keyboard is it would make it a bit more polished.  maybe a 4th red cube for a lightning bolt from craft chaining the big ones together clearing em 

Deleted 320 days ago

bullet hell :) cool design

Deleted 320 days ago